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HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を 楽しむための情報が満載の1冊
The Booklet that has many information to enjoy YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW
12月3日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて開催する YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW。 (以下 HCS) 今年もショーを盛り上げてくれるたくさんの Guest が来日します!
そんな HCS Guest 情報を満載にした、今までにない全く新しい冊子 『 MOON CALLS 』 が完成しました!!各企画や HCS 限定アイテムの詳細、HCS2017 の Guest や Car & Motorcycle の情報を、沢山の写真と共に余すことなく詰めこんだ1冊です!
YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW that will be held at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday 3 December, 2017. There will be many Guests visiting to Japan to live up the show together!
And "MOON CALLS" is the booklet never created yet with many information of HCS Guests!! It is the booklet that contains many photos, each Spotlights, details of Limited item and information of HCS2017 Guests' Car and Motorcycle!
MOONEYES 各店舗をご利用頂いた方で、希望者全員に MOON CALLS をプレゼントさせて頂きます !!
*Online Shop は、ご購入時に MOON CALLS 希望と備考欄に必ず明記してください。
For those who would like to get it, we will give the MOON CALLS to anyone who shop at MOONEYES Shop!!
*When using the Online Shop please mention that you wish to receive the Booklet in the inquiry column.
※We will only distribute while stocks last. So please get it as early as possible.
HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を 楽しむための情報が満載の1冊
The Booklet that has many information to enjoy YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW
12月3日(日)にパシフィコ横浜にて開催する YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW。 (以下 HCS) 今年もショーを盛り上げてくれるたくさんの Guest が来日します!
そんな HCS Guest 情報を満載にした、今までにない全く新しい冊子 『 MOON CALLS 』 が完成しました!!各企画や HCS 限定アイテムの詳細、HCS2017 の Guest や Car & Motorcycle の情報を、沢山の写真と共に余すことなく詰めこんだ1冊です!
YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW that will be held at Pacifico Yokohama on Sunday 3 December, 2017. There will be many Guests visiting to Japan to live up the show together!
And "MOON CALLS" is the booklet never created yet with many information of HCS Guests!! It is the booklet that contains many photos, each Spotlights, details of Limited item and information of HCS2017 Guests' Car and Motorcycle!
MOONEYES 各店舗をご利用頂いた方で、希望者全員に MOON CALLS をプレゼントさせて頂きます !!
*Online Shop は、ご購入時に MOON CALLS 希望と備考欄に必ず明記してください。
For those who would like to get it, we will give the MOON CALLS to anyone who shop at MOONEYES Shop!!
*When using the Online Shop please mention that you wish to receive the Booklet in the inquiry column.
※We will only distribute while stocks last. So please get it as early as possible.